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The CBL6109 cable connects and ICS or AMLC serial port to a modem.


AMLC Board Baud Rate Jumpers

Socket location 1K:

Pin    Baud Rate          Pin    Group #
---    ---------          ---    -------
 1            75           16
 2           600           15       25xx
 3           150           14
 4         19200           13       27xx
 5          9600           12
 6          4800           11
 7          2400           10       26xx
 8          1800            9

BORIS Standard Dip Header

Pin #                  Pin #  Group #  Baud Rate
-----                  -----  -------  ---------

    1                     16

    2       +-------->    15     2513       2400
    3       |             14

    4 <-----|-------->    13     2713      19200
    5       |             12
    6 <-----|----+        11
    |    |
    7 <-----+    +--->    10     2613       4800

    8                      9

BORIS Standard Dip Header (Old)

Pin #                  Pin #  Group #  Baud Rate
-----                  -----  -------  ---------
    1                     16

    2       +-------->    15     2513       1800
    3       |             14
    4       |   +---->    13     2713       4800
    |   |
    5       |   |         12
    |   |
    6 <-----|---+         11
    7 <-----|-------->    10     2613       2400
    8 <-----+              9